People often ask me how I select escorts for West Midland escorts?

Our agency have a reputation of being able to deliver the hottest and sexiest escorts in town, so I am very selective. Some escorts agencies in the UK are desperate for hot girls, so they employ any girl who walks in through the door, but we are not like that. We can afford to be selective because a lot of girls have heard about us. Many of the girls who ask for jobs here already have a lot of experience and that is what I am looking for. Girls must have at least two years experience of escorting.

Last year we only took another five West Midland escorts. It seems a bit of an odd way of operating but we don’t need new girls all of the time. Most of our gents are regular and they prefer dating their favorite escorts. This is one of the many reasons I don’t like having a high turnover of ladies. The other reason is that you work together better as a team, and that is really important these days. I have some lovely ladies who are into duo dating, and it would be a shame to split up a good team.

Two of my girls have been with my for five years. They are actually the most popular West Midland escorts, and I don’t know what I am going to do when they leave. It will be very strange and I know that many of the gents will miss them. When I start looking for replacement for Amy and Suzi, I will have two very hard acts to follow. They have worked really hard for the agency, but I know that it will come a day when both girls want to move on. It will be very strange for me.

Another thing about finding the perfect escorts for West Midland escorts, is dress sense. A lot of the gents who use the agency are very sophisticated gents and I hate to say, the only want the best girls. I always have to make sure that the girls are aware of our dress code. We do an awful lot of dinner dating through the agency, and most of that is done at the finest restaurants in town. if, we can’t make sure that our regulars get to meet nicely dressed ladies we are in a lot of trouble.

Dating though West Midland escorts is not cheap at all. The gents here do expect a lot and we always deliver. This is what we pride ourselves on doing. As long as I own the agency, we will never move away from this principle. All of the girls who work for the agency are special to me and they are also very good friends. That is another factor which a lot of agencies elsewhere forget about. It is important that the girls get on and I am really pleased to be able to say the girls who work for me get on really well.

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